Blockchain Vampires Logo

The Blockchain Vampires Game:

Your engagement on the Blockchain will determine the fate of the realm! Who will win, the Royal Vampire Army, or the Mighty Clergy Protectors?

Join a side and start building up energy and power, but be careful not to start a battle before you're ready!

Aid the Royals or Clergy with your engagement, or campaign to join as a recruit!

In the end, only one side will win and capture control and become rulers of the realm!

Realm % (Loading)

Royal Vampires:
Name                    Recruit Date              Energy
Royal Vampires data list (Loading)

Clergy Protectors:
Name                    Recruit Date              Energy
Clergy members data list (Loading)

New Recruits:
Type     Name          Recruiter          Recruit Date
Royal Vampires and Clergy members new recruits list (Loading)

How it Works:

Blockchain Vampires uses engagement data from the HIVE Blockchain to determine events between two main sides: the Royal Vampire Army, and the Mighty Clergy Protectors

Every five minutes, the game will update and process the relevant interactions from the Blockchain. You can view the events of these updates further down on this webpage, and can refresh to get the most up-to-date version of the game data.

There are three main Blockchain interactions that the game uses: Upvotes, Comments, and Posts.

There are two main types of players: Royals/Clergys, and Vampires/Humans

There are two main types of game data: Power and Energy.

Power is used to determine what percentage of the realm is either Vampire or Human. In the game it is referred to as either Royal Army Power or Clergy Relic Power.

Energy is used to determine the strength of a Royal Vampire or Clergy, and is used for recruitment or battles.

A Royal Vampire gains Energy when it comments on a post. A Clergy member gains Energy when it comments on a post.

A post can include the tags #bvamp and #bhuman to provide benefits to the Royal Army or the Clergy Protectors.

A battle is a confrontation between a Royal Vampire and a Clergy member. It can also result in a royal's or clergy's defeat.

The Royal Army or Clergy Protectors can increase in members through the process of recruitment.

Recruitment allows a royal or Clergy to invite a new member into the Royal Army or Clergy Protectors, but it does have a cost.

Request a New Recruit:

1 Month Event History:
Event History (Loading)